

Heart and arteries carry out the vital function of blood supply in the human body. If there is any compromise in the blood supply, it leads to cardiovascular diseases. In cardiovascular diseases, functional and anatomical abnormalities are reported in the heart and arteries. Fatty plaque gets deposited in the arteries, resulting in hardening and narrowing of the arteries. This leads to compromised blood supply to the vital organs.


In coronary artery disease, blood supply to the heart is compromised, which leads to death of cardiac muscles. It can cause angina (chest pain), heart attack, and heart failure.


If the brain does not get blood supply, stroke symptoms are reported, such as paralysis or loss of sensation.


Management of cardiovascular diseases includes dietary and lifestyle changes, quitting smoking and alcohol, and taking medications to dilate the arteries. Angioplasty and bypass surgery are done to restore the blood flow to the heart. Aspirin-like drugs are used to prevent the recurrence of cardiovascular diseases.